Thursday 6 October 2016


Sl. No.Mail Based Products and ServicesTariff in INR
1PostcardSingle Postcard0.5
Reply Postcard1
Printed Postcard6
Competition Postcard10
2Inland Letter Card
Weight 3 grams. No enclosures allowed
3Letters (Maximum 2 kg)For a weight not exceeding 20 grams5
For every additional 20 grams or fraction thereof5
Embossed Envelope5
4Registration Envelope22.50
5Book Packets, Pattern & Sample PacketFor the first 50 grams or fraction thereof4
For every additional 50 grams or fraction thereof in excess of 50 grams3
6Book Packets, containing Printed BooksFor the first 100 grams or fraction thereof1
For every additional 100 grams or fraction thereof in excess of 100 grams1
7Book Packets, containing Periodicals
(Maximum 5 kg)
For periodicals of value INR 1/- to 20/-For the first 100 grams or fraction thereof2
For every additional 100 grams or fraction thereof in excess of 100 grams3
For periodicals of value INR 21/- to 50/-For the first 100 grams or fraction thereof4
For every additional 100 grams or part thereof in excess of 100 grams5
For periodicals of value INR 51/- and aboveFor the first 100 grams or fraction thereof8
For every additional 100 grams or fraction thereof in excess of 100 grams9
Must be registered with Registrar of Newspapers; Registration number should be printed. (Compact Discs and Floppies etc with periodicals are not allowed under this category. The Periodicals without price shall be classified as "Book Packets, Sample and Pattern Packet" for the tariff calculation.)
8Registered Newspapers
In case of a Single copy of a Registered NewspaperFor a weight not exceeding 50 grams0.25
For a weight exceeding 50 grams. But not exceeding 100 grams0.5
For every additional 100 grams or fraction thereof exceeding 100 grams0.2
In the case of more than one copy of the same issue of Registered Newspaper being carried in the same packetFor a weight not exceeding 100 grams0.5
For every additional 100 grams or fraction thereof exceeding 100 grams0.2
Must be registered with Department of Posts; Registration number should be printed on the first or last page. Bundle containing more than one copy should be addressed to the Newspaper Agent and it is delivered at Post Office counter.
9Blind Literature Packet
(Maximum Weight 7 kg)
Postage, Registration and acknowledgement charges are free
10ParcelsFor the first 500 grams or fraction thereof19
For every additional 500 grams or fraction thereof in excess of 500 grams16
Home delivery charges for article weighing more than 5 kgs. 10 kgs if booked or deliverable at BO. 20 kgs in other cases5
Parcels should be presented at the counter. Should be registered, if the weight is more than 4 kgs. Redirection fee for Parcel - 50% of ordinary postage.
11Late fee for posting On Unregistered articles (per article)2
On Registered articles (per article)3
Special late fee charge (per article)3
12Late fee for renewal of license for Registered NewspaperNot later than the last working day of the third calendar month preceding the last month of the period of previous registration50
After the date of expiry of previous registration100
13Certificate of Posting   For every 3 unregistered articles or less
14Registration Registration Fee17
Concessional Registration Fee for VPP containing Printed Books upto INR 502.5
Fee for Attested copy of addressee's receipt2
Acknowledgement Delivery fee (AD)3
15Insurance FeeWhere the value of insurance does not exceed INR 20010
For every additional INR 100 or fraction thereof in excess of INR 2006
Limit for insuranceBooked at Branch Office INR 600
Currency Notes INR 20000
Other INR 100000
16Recall of each Inland Postal article
Head Postmasters and Sub Postmasters are competent to issue
17Fee for Postal Identity Card
Valid for three years from the date of issue
18Rentals for Post Boxes and Post BagsPost Boxes/Post bags at any place per annum - one financial year150
For 3 calendar months50
Post Box and Post Bag with same or different numbers per annum - one financial year250
For 3 calendar months80
For Post Box deposit should be made towards cost of lock and key; for post bag, lock and key should be met from renter.
19Business Reply Permit fee if applied duringFull Year200
From 1st April to 30th June200
From 1st July to 30th September150
From 1st October to 31st December100
From 1st January to 31st March50
Plus Handling charges per article1
Franking Machine
Rebate - 3% on franked postage. Concession to bulk mailers - 2% on posting for Post Office wise pre-sorting of letters
License Fee (for 5 years)
21Value Payable Post (VPP)Posting Fee for a value not exceeding INR 202
For a value exceeding INR 20 but not exceeding INR 503
For a value exceeding INR 505
Warehousing charges on VP articles (for a maximum of 7 days from 8th days from the date of delivery of intimation)VP letter per day2
VP Parcel per day3
22Air Surcharge for second class mail articles
For packets (other than letters, post cards and letter cards)For the first 50 grams or fraction thereof2
For every additional 50 grams or fraction thereof1
ParcelsFor first 50 grams or fraction thereof2
For every additional 50 grams or fraction thereof1
23International Reply Coupon41
24Money Order
(Fraction of a rupee not allowed. Maximum value INR 5000. No limit for Service Money Order.)
MO Commission - For every sum of INR 20 or fraction thereof1
Cost of a single Money Order form or a VP Money Order Form0.25
6% commission will be taken on family allotment money order booked by an Army Record Office. Calculation will be made in multiples of 10 paise and any amount less than 10 paise shall be regarded as 10 paise.
25Telegraphic Money Order
(Commission as for ordinary money order plus Telegraphic charges for the words in the telegram Ordinary or Express as the case may be plus supplementary fees where the amount of remittance:-)

Now Discontinued
does not exceed INR 503
exceeds INR 50 but does not exceeding INR 2005
exceeds INR 2008
26Indian Postal Order
Available denominations of INR 1,2,5,7,10,20, 50 and 100
For denomination upto INR 101
For denomination upto INR 202
For denomination upto INR 303
For denominatin upto INR 404
For denomination upto INR 505
For Denomination upto INR 10010
27Telegraph ChargesOrdinary upto 10 words3.5
For each additional word0.5
Express - upto 10 words7
For each additional word1
12% of the Service tax is to be levied on telegraph charges
3% on Service Tax as Education Cess
INR 0.50 and above to be rounded off to the next rupee and less than 0.50 to be ignored.
On the address portion of Telegram : 1 to 6 words are chargeable, 7th to 10th words are free. 11th onwards are chargeable. Destination with PIN in one word.

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